ESL and World Languages Teachers Professional Development

TESOL Trainers provides high quality professional development and peer coaching programs for English Language and World Language Teachers.  We can make all language teachers more effective and efficient by introducing high yield strategies and techniques to teach speaking, listening, reading, writing, and culture.  

Why Choose TESOL Trainers for your K-12 Professional Development?

  • Experiential:  Everything is hands-on and interactive.
  • Engaging:  Everything involves 100% of the participants 100% of the time.
  • Empowering:  Everyone leaves with both confidence and competence.
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Teacher Training Workshops for teachers of all languages

Below is a sample of some of the kinds of professional development we offer for all language teachers.  All our staff development can be held onsite, online, or in a hybrid format.

Seven Strategies for Success

Seven Strategies for Success
The teacher explains to students how they will practice number bonds with a partner.

This workshop, designed for English Language and World Language teachers examines 7 strategies that support all teaching and learning.  Model lessons are used to highlight these language teaching strategies in an experiential format.  This is an interactive workshop that engages all participants from the beginning to the end. K-12 teachers walk away with scores of practical strategies they can use in the classroom the next day.

From Renting to Owning Vocabulary

From Renting to Owning Vocabulary
Instructors experience model lessons that maximize language production.

This professional development offering focuses on the teaching and learning of vocabulary from the language teaching and learning perspective.  Model lessons are used to get to the core issues of vocabulary learning and teaching. Participants uncover 8 critical strategies that transform students from vocabulary renters to vocabulary owners.

Please Contact us for detailed information on how we can help your educational institution set all teachers and learners up for success.

Scaffolding Students to Success

Scaffolding Students to Success
The Gradual Release of Responsibility is critical to student success.

English Language (ESL) and World Languages teachers uncover the fundamental principles of scaffolding as we examine skill specific ways to scaffold students into success during this powerful workshop. All teachers walk away with a solid sense of the Gradual Release of Responsibility (for productive skills), its stages, and the purpose each stage possesses. 

Oral Language Development

Oral Language Development
Students practice vocabulary terms in a mix and mingle format.

Oral language development is critical for all language learners, and this workshop helps teachers maximize the volume and the variety of ways students can speak in the classroom.  Through model lessons participants uncover practical strategies and techniques to get all students talking all the time in the target language being taught.

SIOP for Language Teachers

SIOP for Language Teachers
Language Teachers examine the principles of Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol

SIOP, Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol, is a framework for teaching that is designed to support the non-native speaker in the classroom. All language teachers (English language, World Language instructors) can benefit from understanding the framework, the 8 components of SIOP and their 30 features that support both teaching and learning alike.

Teaching the Four Skills

Teaching the Four Skills
1K-12 Educators experiencing a model lesson that integrates to four domains of language.

This workshop unpacks the four skills or four domains of language (speaking, listening, reading, and writing). In an experiential manner, we examine both the teaching of each skill in isolation and the integration of all four skills.  Plenty of examples are given of each type.  Participants get lots of practice in the design and delivery of productive, receptive, and integrated lessons. This is a transformative series that will catapult language educators into another level of teaching and learning.

Teaching Culture​

Teaching Culture​

Culture, sometimes referred to as the fifth skill, is a critical aspect of language teaching and learning, and this PD helps teachers internalize how best to teach it.  Language teachers walk away with a deep understanding of the four components of culture and how to teach them in an empowering manner.  World Language teachers examine strategies and model lessons that teach culture and intercultural communication.

Teaching Pronunciation

Teaching Pronunciation

Teaching Pronunciation can be challenging for all teachers, but this PD simplifies the teaching and learning of pronunciation down to an art and a science. World language and ESL instructors experience model pronunciation lessons, improve their understanding of what the four components of teaching pronunciation are gain both strategies and techniques they can use to support student pronunciation.

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