The Sheltered Instruction framework gives K-12 educators guidelines to design and deliver lessons that support all students (especially English Learners) in the content area classroom.
TESOL Trainers, Inc. offers experiential professional development on all aspects of Sheltered Instruction that help teachers make instruction more accessible, comprehensible, and engaging to all learners.
Dr. John Kongsvik and his team offer the most popular online Sheltered Instructional PD today: TESOL Trainers’ English Learner Institute.
Sheltered Instructional Techniques are more than best practices in teaching. The scope of SIOP © helps teachers define and refine how they plan and teach their lessons. Sheltered instructional strategies that teachers use to support English language learners in the classroom are just as effective with all of their students, regardless of their native language.
The components and features of SIOP remind teachers of fundamental teaching strategies such as building background and scaffolding and critical teaching skills like giving clear instructions and encouraging metacognitive skills.
Contact Dr. John Kongsvik to learn about K12 Professional Staff Development on Sheltered Instruction.
Participating teachers in our SIOP professional development will...
Our remote PD on the Principles and Practices of Sheltered Instruction is a one-of-a-kind adventure. The experiential approach we use is highly engaging and empowering. Teachers leave our online PD with many instructional strategies and techniques that work in the remote learning environment and the traditional classroom. Educators become invigorated and inspired to set all of their students up for success.TESOL Trainers offers scores of remote K12 professional development that will transform teaching and learning at your school. Let us know what type of training you want, and we'll design something specifically for your needs.
TESOL Trainers has designed and delivered K-12 professional development initiatives on Sheltered Instruction techniques for over 10 years. Because every workshop is experiential, teachers experience all of the SIOP © strategies and TESOL techniques through model lessons. Once teachers 'unpack' the principles, teachers explore adaptable, easy-to-use ways to use them in the classroom. Setting our students up for success requires setting our teachers up for success. Let TESOL Trainers give you a scaffold to success™.
Please contact us for detailed information on how we can help your educational institution set all teachers and learners up for success.
TESOL Trainers offers a wide variety of SIOP © professional development. From short-term introductory SIOP © PDs to long-term, in-depth explorations of all 30 SIOP features, we can set you up for success. Here are four examples:
Contact Dr. John Kongsvik, the director of TESOL Trainers, to discuss what kind of PD is right for you.
The Conscious Competence Matrix is a tool used to measure one's skills and awareness of those skills.
Our SIOP Professional Development for K-12 Educators uses this matrix as a means of stimulating growth, raising one's awareness, and empowering oneself.
Take a look at how we can use this matrix as a self-reflection tool for teachers going through TESOL Trainers' SIOP Institute: TESOL Trainers SIOP Self-Reflection. We believe that only awareness is teachable. We help educators cultivate metacognitive muscles by becoming aware of their own strengths and challenges. Then, we train teachers to create comfort with discomfort by leaning into their challenges. Finally, we help educators hone their skills by becoming masters of the A.C.T. If you want your teachers to take charge of their own growth, sign them up for Dr. Kongsvik’s English Learner Institute today!
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